
CARMEN试验:卡维地洛和ACE抑制剂改变轻度心衰评估试验原理及设计The Carvedilol and ACE-Inhibitor Remodelling Mild Heart Failure EvaluatioN trial (CARMEN)--rationale and design.

The Carvedilol and ACE-Inhibitor Remodelling Mild Heart Failure EvaluatioN trial (CARMEN)--rationale and design.

作者:国际循环网   来源:Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2001 Jascript>   日期:2006/12/15 0:00:00



Inhibition or reversal of ventricular remodelling in heart failure patients is regarded as of prime importance in the treatment of heart failure and in determining long term outcome. Recent studies have demonstrated that the addition of carvedilol to Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and other routine heart failure therapy results in a valuable improvement in the clinical status and life expectancy of mild, moderate and severe heart failure patients. ACE inhibitors have become the cornerstone of heart failure therapy. Also, carvedilol in combination with standard therapy (including ACE inhibitors) has demonstrable beneficial effects on left ventricular remodelling. Each new treatment has to be added, this quickly leads to polypharmacy, which may not be necessary and even unwanted in the individual patient, as the pharmacological profile of carvedilol compares favourably to ACE inhibitors, this suggests that it could challenge ACE inhibitors as first-line treatment for heart failure. The CARMEN trial (Carvedilol and ACE-Inhibitor Remodelling Mild Heart Failure EvaluatioN) was designed to compare the effects of carvedilol alone and of carvedilol plus an ACE inhibitor (enalapril) with the effect of an ACE inhibitor alone on different parameters of left ventricular remodelling as well as morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic mild heart failure, thereby allowing conclusions on whether combination therapy may be replaced by the multiple action adrenergic inhibitor carvedilol in the future.



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