
[TCT2012]介入治疗或外科手术:如何选择?——Gregg W. Stone博士专访

作者:  G.W.Stone   日期:2012/11/15 14:56:51



  <International Circulation>: How much do you try to use data to affect the patient’s preference?
  Dr. Stone: It is essential for the physician to be the patient’s advocate. The patient preferences are front and center as to how they should be treated. That being said, patients do not always have the medical knowledge to truly understand evidence-based medicine and when there is absolutely one therapy that is much better than another then it is the physician’s strong duty to do everything they can to try to convince a patient that it is in their best interest in undergo that particular therapy. There are other therapies where it is a matter choice, or where one therapy is a little better than the other, or there is clinical equipoise, then of course the patient should be fully informed of the pros and cons of each therapy. In this situation, this would involve a discussion with both an interventional cardiologist and the cardiac surgeon and then the patient’s preference should be dominant. I think it does depend a lot on how strong the evidence suggests that there is clinical equipoise, versus a slight preference, versus a very strong preference. This will give the best outcome.


  <International Circulation>: Right now, EXCEL is trying to show superiority of PCI over CABG. Is this for low and intermediate SYNTAX scores?
  Dr. Stone: The EXCEL trial is 2600 patients with left main disease and either low or intermediate SYNTAX Scores—less than or equal to 32—and they being randomized to current state-of-the-art drug eluting stents with Xience Prime, everolimus eluting stents versus bypass surgery. The primary endpoint is death, MI, or stroke and an intermediate follow up of three years. It is first designed to show non-inferiority in PCI versus CABG. If it first proves non-inferiority, then it will go on to test for superiority. Clearly, if PCI is non-inferior to CABG, then it will be the most commonly selected strategy as it is less invasive and has less morbidity in the short term.

  Stone博士:EXCEL试验纳入2600例低-中SYNTAX积分(≤32)的左主干病变患者,随机分组分别接受当前最先进的Xience Prime依维莫司洗脱支架或旁路手术,主要终点为死亡、MI或卒中,中位随访3年。这是第一项被设计显示PCI相对于CABG非劣效性的试验。如果该试验首次证实非劣效性,将继续进行下去进一步检验优效性。显然,如果PCI不劣于CABG,那么就将成为最常选用的策略,因为PCI更微创、近期并发症发生率更低。

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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