

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/9/3 18:26:00


ACCOMPLISH研究是第一个将固定剂量复合制剂RAAS/CCB同RAAS/利尿剂用于高血压或高心血管事件风险的患者效果比较的试验,您认为这个研究是否会推动固定复方制剂(single-pill combination,SPC)在临床高血压治疗中的广泛应用呢?您认为ACCOMPLISH研究对JNC8及ESC/ESH高血压指南对于SPC的临床应用将会有何影响?

International Circulation: Can you talk about the advantages of using the valsartan/ amlodipine SPC (Exforge®) in antihypertensive therapy?


Dr Dusing:  Lets look at the hard points again. We have just heard from Bjorn Dahlof, who is very much involved in the ACCOMPLISH trial, that the combination of the ACE inhibitor with the CCB provided significantly better renal protection as compared to the ACE inhibitor/diuretic combination. As he said, these data have been presented at some nephrology meeting already. That is a little bit surprising because amlodipine opens up the afferent glomerular circulation and we have seen some studies showing that proteinuria may be increased with amlodipine.  The hard fact is that in ACCOMPLISH, with the high proportion of diabetics and high risk patients, this combination was more effective in renal protection as compared to the RAS blocker/diuretic combination. Therefore, if you look at the whole benefit, safety, side-effect issues, there is a good argument for the RAAS blocker plus CCB combination.

Dusing教授:我们再来看一下硬终点。我们刚刚从参与了ACCOMPLISH研究的Bjorn Dahlof教授那里获悉,与RAS抑制剂/利尿剂组合相比,RAS抑制剂/CCB联合提供了显著更好的肾脏保护作用。如他所言,这些数据已经在一些肾病学会议上公布。这有点让人吃惊,因为氨氯地平开放入球循环且我们已经看到一些研究显示氨氯地平可能增加蛋白尿。而客观事实是,在糖尿病患<

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